KTI PGY1s: Interested in Undergraduate Medical Education?
Consider participating in one or more of the following initiatives!
Residents who are interested in joining our Undergrad committee, the ask: 2-3 meetings a year with members of the FMIG, residents, and QFHT Faculty, and talk about issues related to all aspects of undergrad family medicine at Queen's. There are student representatives from the pre-clinical and clerkship classes and faculty on this committee. The resident voice is valued and completes the conversation. (Hoping to book Oct 26th, can be in person and zoom).
Family Medicine Resident Teaching Nights (FM-RTNs): FM-RTNS are evenings that engage family medicine residents in teaching 1st & 2nd year medical students approaches to common topics in family medicine in a “no-pressure” environment. They occur a couple of times a year with a different topic each time.
One+one: A Mentorship Program for 1st Years: this is a program that focuses on creating formal mentorships between 1st year medical students and 1st year residents. Each medical student will be matched up in small groups of 1-3 with a resident mentor, and will meet up at various times over the academic year to ask questions in an informal and non-threatening atmosphere.
Anyone interested or have any questions can contact kim.wallace@queensu.ca
Thank you for considering!